New bridge with Asia: PUCP was incorporated into the Fudan – Latin America University Consortium (Flauc)
The Secretariat Office of the Fudan – Latin America University Consortium (Flauc) announced the admission of PUCP as new member of this significant university alliance.
Sthefanny Carrión Cobarrubias
The Fudan – Latin America University Consortium (Flauc), existing since 2017, is the exchange, communication and cooperation platform that links the Fudan University, in China, with prestigious universities in Latin America. This year, PUCP was included as a new member of this alliance.
“Peru has a long-standing historical relationship with China. This country is highlighted because of its technology development and higher education», emphasizes Doctor Aldo Panfichi, vice-president for research, regarding the institutional interest in strengthening these bonds. «Union allows to develop a coordinated work to involve Asian universities with PUCP, particularly on teaching and research issues”, he explains.
China is highlighted because of its technology development and higher education. Union allows to develop a coordinated work to involve Asian universities with PUCP, particularly on teaching and research issues".
In this regard, among the main objectives of the Fudan – Latin America University Consortium (Flauc), priority is given to the organization of academic conferences, exchange of professors, research cooperation and annual meetings. And, as highlighted by Doctor Panfichi, our participation is a recognition of our academic quality. “To be integrated as a new member of Flauc University Consortium is a very significant achievement, because we have been admitted because of the research quality and the endorsement of other renowned universities”, he adds.
Academic and cultural benefits
Doctor Eduardo Dargent, director of the Academic Office of Institutional Affairs (DARI, by its Spanish acronym), emphasizes the interest of this unit in strengthening our links with Asian high-level academic institutions, particularly, from China. «Moreover, at present, we have learned that thephysical distance is not necessarily an obstacle for collaboration, and we trust that we can articulate interests and generate academic and research initiatives with Fudan University and others», he considers.
Likewise, Lic. Rubén Tang, advisor of the Research Vice-president’s Office (VRI, by its Spanish acronym) for the relationship strengthening project concluded between PUCP and Asian academic institutions, points out that theintegration of our University in this Alliance means the strengthening of internationalization strategy with the Asian continent. “China is a country with which it is desired to establish several cooperation and academic exchange agreements in various disciplines, particularly those in which a greater development is evidenced”, explained former director of PUCP Confucius Institute.
Besides generating and promoting close links through joint research projects, the Consortium promotes mutual culture dissemination.
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