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Scholarship application process opens for master's and doctoral studies in Korean studies

Imagen panorámica de Seúl, se ve un río, rascacielos y el cielo limpio

The Graduate School of Korean Studies which is an affiliated institution of the Academy of Korean Studies(“AKS”) and operates under the Ministry of Education has opened the application process of scholarships for master’s and doctoral studies in Korean studies in 2021.

There are 4 divisions of study that offer different areas of study:  Humanities (Korean history, diplomacy and bibliography), philosophy, Korean linguistics and Korean literature), Culture and Arts (anthropology, folklore, religious studies, musicology, art history cultural informatics and human geography), Social Sciences (political science, sociology and education) and Global Korean Studies (Korean culture and society).

Benefits are offered for international students such as full tuition weiver and a monthly stipend for selected students.

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